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Parents express profound distress over the alarming social ills prevailing at Allanridge Secondary School

“The school premises have unfortunately transformed into a hub for a variety of social issues, ranging from bullying, physical altercations, disruptive noise levels, to even instances of gambling,” says parents

In the heart of Rabie Ridge lies Allanridge Secondary School, a once-promising institution now marred by a myriad of social issues and challenges that have impacted the community and the quality of education provided to the learners.

Parents of the learners at the school have concerns not only about the environmental risks their children are exposed to but also about the deteriorating standards of education being offered at the school.

Parent Phillip Willson has expressed profound distress over the alarming situation prevailing at the school.

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“The school premises have unfortunately transformed into a hub for a variety of social issues, ranging from bullying, physical altercations, disruptive noise levels, to even instances of gambling,” claimed Willson.

“These pressing matters not only disrupt the educational process but also contribute to fostering an unsafe and unhealthy environment for the learners. To exacerbate the existing challenges, learners now find themselves crammed into overcrowded classrooms, where they not only share desks but also chairs, leading to compromised learning conditions.

“This overcrowding, coupled with the lack of adequate resources, has significantly impacted the quality of education, with some learners even having to undertake assessments in groups without proper supervision.”

Willson underscored the absence of teachers in classrooms, learners being compelled to undertake examinations in unsuitable conditions, and the noticeable lack of essential school activities such as assemblies and sports.

Parents have expressed profound distress over the alarming situation of social ills prevailing at Allanridge Secondary School.
Parents have expressed profound distress over the alarming situation of social ills prevailing at Allanridge Secondary School.

To tackle these urgent issues, Willson and another concerned parent Hamilton Tyler have united to demand transparency, accountability, and transformative change within the school environment.

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“Despite our persistent attempts to engage with the school principal, our efforts have been met with silence and reluctance. The principal’s refusal to meet with us, coupled with the lack of accountability from the School Governing Body (SGB), has only intensified our frustration,” alleged Tyler.
“Also, it is unjust to blame the children for their absence in classes when teachers are unavailable. The children require guidance and supervision from responsible adults. Therefore, as a community, we are eager to intervene and address these issues collectively.”

When Midrand Reporter reached out to Allanridge principal Peter Legoati concerning the social challenges at the school, he responded, “I am glad that you [also] inquired with the Gauteng Department of Education. I am not allowed to directly respond to any media queries. I am glad that you are referring to Mr Steve Mabona [The spokesperson for the Gauteng Department of Education]. Your inquiry will be responded to through that office,” Legoati conveyed.

Mabona, acknowledged the department’s awareness and deep concerns regarding the social challenges at the school.

“Consequently, necessary disciplinary processes were conducted whereby 65 perpetrators were suspended, and two learners were referred to Sanca for behaviour modification and counselling accordingly,” Mabona said.

“Our psycho-social support team were deployed to provide necessary support to the affected learners.”

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