Nokuphila School helps learners with mathematics and English through Saturday classes.

The Nokuphila School is committed to expanding its reach and influence through the weekend programme for struggling school learners.

Education is a powerful tool that can transform lives and open doors to countless opportunities. In fact, the father of our nation, the late Nelson Mandela, said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

In the heart of a disadvantaged community, The Love Trust’s Nokuphila School has emerged as a beacon of hope, nurturing, and empowering its learners for success. With a strong focus on holistic development, the school goes above and beyond to support its learners past the Grade 7 mark, wanting to assist them throughout their high school years.

Founded in 2009, The Love Trust is a not-for-profit organisation committed to delivering high-quality Christian education and social care to children from vulnerable communities.

Learners who are granted the opportunity to attend the school, become used to the 360º support they receive at this institution. They are offered private transport, food, stationery, and a space in a classroom that’s not overcrowded, with a maximum of 20 learners per classroom. Often, leaving the school to attend Grade 8 can shock the learners, now exposed to longer commutes and crowded classrooms.

The Nokuphila School Principal, Mabel Sikhakhane, is a passionate educator with an Honours Degree in Education Management and Leadership. Sikhakhane has taught across the junior foundation, holding a position as the head of department, before becoming the school’s current principal. Sikhakhane states that as part of their outreach, The Love Trust stayed in touch with past learners, monitoring their performance and offering guidance whenever possible.

By supporting these learners, they could clearly see that some were not coping as well in their new environments. This inspired them to start a Saturday school, initially dedicated to extra lessons in the subjects of English and mathematics.

By providing extra classes on the weekends, the school helps its past learners to build a strong educational foundation, equipping them with the necessary skills for success in higher levels of education.

Beyond academic support, the Nokuphila School understands the importance of mentorship and guidance in shaping learners’ lives. The school offers ongoing mentorship programmes that assist them in making informed choices about their subjects, career paths, and future educational opportunities. By providing personalised guidance, the school ensures that each learner receives the support they need to make well-informed decisions, fostering a sense of empowerment and self-belief.

Through its unwavering commitment, the Nokuphila School continues to prove through its past learners that education has the power to break the cycle of poverty and create a more equitable society.

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