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Midrand Sri Sathya centre remembers Sai Baba legacy

Dan Arumugam, Midrand Sri Sathya Baba centre president said Sai Baba performed kinds of miracle and taught righteousness among his values.

Sathya Sai Baba was one of the most revered and renowned spiritual teachers in the world and was revered by both Hindu and Muslim devotees.

As such, about 500 believers converged at Midrand Primary School on November 23 to celebrate what would have been Sai Baba’s 97th birthday. He died on 24 April 2011, aged 84, after suffering from respiratory-related problems.

His mother, Meesaraganda Easwaramma, claimed his birth was a miraculous conception. As a child, he was described as ‘unusually intelligent and charitable’, though not necessarily academically inclined, as his interests were more of a spiritual nature. It was also claimed that he could materialise food and sweets out of thin air.

The speakers spoke fondly of Sai Baba, who was also known as Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Sai Baba, Swami or just Bhagavan to millions of his followers.

A portrait of Sai Baba is placed at the entrance of the hall by Midrand Sri Sai Baba centre. Photo: Sphiwe Masilela

Dan Arumugam, Midrand Sri Sathya Baba centre president said it was important for people to live by the healer’s values. He said Sai Baba performed miracles and taught righteousness, love, peace, good values and non-violence.

“At the age of 14, he declared to his parents that ‘I am not your son’. From then, he performed all kinds of miracles and began to heal the sick. He also created a curriculum that is designed to instil virtue in the hearts of children. And that is what we need in our communities,” said Arumugam.

The evening began with the burning of incense aimed at chasing away bad spirits.

The national president of Sri Sathya Sai, Suresh Nundlal said the day was special to all Sai Baba’s devotees and they have about 120 centres across the country that were all celebrating his birthday.

Daniel Pillay and Rapeti Sannasy burn incense during the Hawan prayer. Photo: Sphiwe Masilela

“We celebrate the legacy that he has left and all his teaching that we need to abide by and practise his principles of peace, harmony and love in the world. His teaching taught us to serve with humanity and remain humble,” said Nundlal.

He said their organisation was doing a lot of work across the globe by offering free schooling and medical needs in some countries.

ALSO READ: Come for spiritual upliftment

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