Vodacom takes a stand against hunger this Mandela Month

Vodacom employees, volunteers, and local organisations come together in a collective effort to spend their 67 minutes.

In a world increasingly beset by climate change, food insecurity, and deep-rooted inequities, every action towards building a better society counts.

This July 18, as the world commemorated Mandela Day, Vodacom took a significant stand against hunger.

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Vodacom organised the Mandela Day Festival of Giving at their Midrand headquarters. This event brought together employees, volunteers, and local organisations in a collective effort to spend their 67 minutes – a symbolic representation of Mandela’s 67 years of service – to make a difference in the lives of those less fortunate.

Attendees engaged in meaningful activities, from creating educational posters for local schools, to assembling toys for Early Childhood Development (ECD) centres.

The organising team worked diligently to assemble comfort kits, and packed food items which would make a tangible difference in the lives of recipients.

Participants exceeded their 67-minute commitment, demonstrating that when people are united by a common cause, they can achieve far more than initially anticipated.

From the smiles of volunteers to the gratitude of those receiving the food parcels, the day was a celebration of ubuntu in action. It reinforced the importance of unity and collective responsibility in tackling pressing global issues such as hunger and poverty.

Also read: Cedarwood School visits Riversands Primary School to celebrate Mandela Day

Mamoroaneng Mpshe.

Related article: Local retail store celebrates Mandela Day with local foundation

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