Are there sufficient opportunities for South African youth, and what should the next ruling government do to create more?

National Youth Day was celebrated on June 16 and Youth Month reminds us of the importance of nurturing the potential of young individuals. Local youth were asked if the government was providing enough job opportunities for them. This is what they had to say…

In a diverse and vibrant country such as South Africa, youth voices are crucial for shaping the future and advancing progress.

Since the dawn of our new democracy in 1994, significant efforts have been made to empower and uplift younger generations.

National Youth Day was celebrated on June 16 and Youth Month reminds us of the importance of nurturing the potential of young individuals.
Local youth were asked if the government was providing enough job opportunities for them. This is what they had to say…

ANKONISAHO MADIMA: I don’t think there are enough opportunities for young people. The new or next ruling government needs to enhance governmental capacity, especially considering the unemployed graduates.
LUNGELO MPESHENI-SHEZI: I don’t think there are enough opportunities for young people in South Africa. I think the ruling party or government should introduce more opportunities like internships that do not require graduates to have two or three years of experience.
JACOBS BOTHA: There are many opportunities for young people; we just have to go that extra mile because everyone wants apprenticeships or interns with a couple of years of experience, which most of us lack.
QUEEN MAILA: In some sectors, I believe the government is doing their level best to uplift the youth of South Africa. It is just up to the youth to gravitate towards the resources that are there for them.
BONOLO MASHABA: I believe the government’s efforts are insufficient as only a small percentage of young people engage across various platforms. This is not due to a lack of willingness on our part, but rather a scarcity of opportunities provided to us.

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