Ward 132 councillor, Annette Deppe urges people to refrain from littering

Annette Deppe urges people to refrain from littering.

Littering has become a persistent issue in Ward 132, much to the dismay of local councillor Annette Deppe.
As piles of waste continue to mar the environment of the ward, Deppe pleaded with the community to take responsibility for keeping their surroundings clean.

“The unsightly sight not only tarnishes the aesthetics of the neighbourhood but also reflects a lack of respect for the environment and fellow residents,” she said.

Deppe emphasised the importance of individual accountability in maintaining cleanliness and called for a collective effort to combat littering.

Read more: President Park clean-up initiative continues to tackle litter in the neighbourhood

Before: City of Joburgs AFSU team clean up this illegal dumping site on Le Roux Avenue.

“The city plays a crucial role in keeping the streets clean. Week after week, they diligently remove trash from public spaces including illegal dump sites. Despite their consistent efforts, the problem persists due to the recurring behaviour of irresponsible dumping by some individuals.”

She stressed the need for a shift in mindset when it comes to waste disposal. “The prevalent attitude of expecting others to clean up after us is unsustainable and contributes to the worsening littering problem. Rather than relying on external services to handle waste, residents are urged to take ownership of their rubbish and ensure proper disposal methods are followed.”

Also read: Locals and conservancy organisation join forces against litter

The City of Joburg has specific protocols in place for addressing littering and illegal dumping. While the Augmented Field Services Unit (AFSU) tackles waste on pavements, streets, and council-owned areas, the responsibility for managing litter in parks falls under City Parks.

After: The illegal dumping site on Le Roux Avenue after the City of Joburgs AFSU team cleaned it up.

Additionally, illegal dumping on private property is overseen by the environmental health directorate, emphasising the need for a coordinated approach to waste management across different sectors.

Details: To report illegal dumping to Pikitup, call 011 688 1500 or email illegaldumping@pikitup.co.za.

Related article: Councillors call for Dale dumpsite re-opening following increase in illegal dumping

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