Residents sweat it out at aerobics event in Rabie Ridge

Vibrant beats and excited residents filled Rabie Ridge Stadium in Johannesburg as fitness coaches and gyms came together to host an aerobics event.

The City of Johannesburg Region A hosted an aerobics event at Rabie Ridge Stadium on May 18, drawing community members for two hours of lively exercise.
The event featured 86 people, mostly women, but a few men joined in too. It lasted for two hours and included fitness coaches from various gyms.
Sylvia Maela, a resident in attendance said, “I started seeing the importance of exercise when I almost ended up on high blood pressure medication and the doctor recommended that I should start exercising. It was not easy in the beginning but I pushed myself and now I can say aerobics saved my life.”

Read more: The importance of post-workout replenishment

Attendants cool down after working out.

The event ended with a cooling-down session, allowing participants to relax and stretch after their workout.

There was also a short prize-giving raffle officiated by sports and recreation officer Enoch Mosiea, where a few lucky attendees won small prizes.

Members of the public enjoy the exercise.

The event was a big success, showing that fitness can be fun for everyone. The organisers hope to continue inspiring more people to join in and stay active.

Also read: Region A Sport and Recreation host over 200 residents to a successful aerobics session

City of Johannesburg Region A hosts an aerobics event at Rabie Ridge Stadium

Mavis Mkhize, an instructor from Trimax Fitness Club concluded, “Overall it was a great session, we had good numbers and people from all age groups attended. We wish to have more sessions that are bigger than this one for us to raise awareness in our communities so that we can push for a healthy lifestyle.”

Some of the attendees pose for a photo.

These sessions happen every two weeks around Johannesburg Region A.

Related article: Aerobics aimed at healthy lifestyle for locals

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