Human Settlements cannot accommodate Austin View evictees due to 500 000 backlog

Citys spokesperson Nthatisi Modingoane said the open veld land in Austin View is earmarked for a mixed housing development to unlock greater Ivory Park informal settlements.

The Gauteng Department of Human Settlement said it could not provide alternative accommodation for land invaders who had been evicted in Austin View.
The evictees have now settled on the side of the busy Modderfontein and Dane roads in Austin View as reported in Evicted Austin View land grabbers cramped into a tent next to busy roads, [Week ending 31 May].

Read more: Semsa deputy welcomes the removal of land grabbers in Austin View
City spokesperson Nthatisi Modingoane responded and said the land where the land grabbers were evicted from was owned by the City of Johannesburg and the Gauteng Provincial Government.

Evicted land grabbers live on the side of Modderfontein Road in Austin View. Photo: Sphiwe Masilela

Also read: Ntirhisano Programme brought to Olievenhoutbosch following land grabs

“The Department of Human Settlements currently has a backlog of over 500 000 and therefore cannot accommodate members of the public who are trying to jump the queue. The land is earmarked for a mixed housing development. The Housing Development Agency has been appointed to plan for a mixed development to unlock greater Ivory Park informal settlements,” said Modingoane.
He said the department only provided temporary accommodation in emergencies.
Modingoane added the land had been occupied for the past two years, and the JMPD in conjunction with the Gauteng Provincial Government and service providers, had demolished about 5 000 shacks.

Related article: Austin View residents to boycott rates if land invaders not removed

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