After years of study, this journalism intern is ready to take on the world

Nkazimulo Ncube hit the streets running as a fledgling journalist and is sure to make waves during his time at the Northcliff Melville Times.

Intern from Tshwane University of Technology, Nkazimulo Ncube writes:
From my very first step into the office, I was struck by the warmth of the environment created by the smiles and friendly faces in the room, although the cold air of the aircon was blasting me as I sat directly under it.

It represented the harsh reality of what I had spent so long fighting and waiting for and that added a layer of anxiety.

Nkazimulo Ncube.

Despite the commotion of everyone going about their tasks and trying to meet deadlines, there was a small sense of synergy around with stories and information flowing back and forth.’

Everyone managed to carve out a few seconds to greet and introduce themselves which is a small gesture, but it is a gesture that made a lot of difference to me and gave me a slight sense of belonging.
My mentor took me and the other interns aside and gave us a run down of how the office operates.

She explained that most days are really busy but we must still be encouraged to ask questions, and even though they were under a lot of pressure they will take the time to answer our questions and make sure we understood.

Getting my first article to work on was probably the most exciting and equally nerve-racking, but more importantly, it signified a new beginning.

The moment I waited so long for was finally here.

Nkazimulo Ncube.

After months of constant back and forth, printing, reprinting, signing, initialling every single page and then the silence that was the worst part of it. I had been eagerly counting down the days.

But with every passing day, all the excitement disappeared giving way to anxiety and a sense of impending doom. It felt as though I was stuck in limbo with a grenade in my pocket awaiting a chance to dive into the world of professional journalism.

And then suddenly a big pop and the moment had arrived.

I could not help but reflect on the journey that had led me here. I am truly grateful for the opportunity to merely breathe the same air with so many talented people and I look forward to proving myself.

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