
Midrand SPCA advocates for responsible pet ownership

“Many of these dogs are indiscriminately just bred to exploit them for financial gains and are kept in inadequate properties that are either too small, chained, or lack proper fencing,” says the SPCA chairperson.

The Midrand SPCA states that all pit bulls and other breeds, especially power breeds, have the potential to be dangerous but there are many factors that influence how a dog behaves.

Brenda Lucas, chairperson of the SPCA, explained that breeders practice different types of breeding to try and replicate specific desired traits in a dog.

“Linebreeding is mating dogs with the same bloodline, where the male and female share common ancestors, while Inbreeding is when dogs are mated to their close relative’s father, daughter, brother, sister and etc,” said Lucas.

However, this practice can also amplify the negative traits in a dog. Eventually, this can result in health and behavioural problems or inherited disorders.

Lucas explained that many pit bulls are known to be family pets and are noted for their loyalty, affection, and gentleness toward their owners and even dogs that were bred for fighting were not prone to be aggressive toward humans.

“Many of the pitbull-type dogs that are found in some communities today are a result of random and irresponsible breeding with a wide range of behavioural predispositions,” he explained.

ALSO READ: K-9 fantasy advises locals to take caution in pit bulls cross-breeding

“Many of these dogs are indiscriminately just bred to exploit them for financial gains and are kept in inadequate properties that are either too small, chained, or lack proper fencing.”

Lucas said In most cases where they have encountered aggressive dogs, it was due to their lack of proper housing and socialisation.

She added that dogs that are chained and isolated from human interaction are more likely to bite than dogs that have been integrated into a loving home and thus are at a far greater risk of developing aggressive behaviour toward humans.

Moreover, the SPCA cares for all animals and all breeds and advice locals that chaining or confinement of an animal causes unnecessary suffering and is a criminal offense

“Any dog can be dangerous depending on genetics and bloodlines, living conditions, care, training, socialisation, and owner responsibility. We advocate for responsible pet ownership. Animals are meant to be pets and a part of the family,” concluded Lucas.

[below could perhaps be in an infobox?] Basic responsibilities for pet owners, according to the SPCA, include:

  • Ensure your dog is always kept safely on the property unless out on a collar or harness with a responsible and competent, adult person who can control the dog.
  • Ensure the dog is kept behind locked gates to prevent accidental escape.
  • Ensure walling and fencing are secure. On many occasions dogs have grabbed other animals and even people through a fence, sometimes with fatal consequences. Palisade fencing, where the dog can get his muzzle through the gaps should have wire mesh securely fastened on to reduce the risk of other animals or people being bitten through the fence.
  • Safely introduce people to your dog prior to them entering the property – including staff such as domestic workers and gardeners.
  • Do not leave your dog alone with people they are not familiar with or can’t be trusted with.

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