Vorna Valley Residents Association invites residents to ‘constitution approval’

A newly drafted constitution for the Vorna Valley Residents Association awaits residents to deliberate on it before it goes back to directorate for approval.

The interim committee of the Vorna Valley Residents Association invites and urges all residents to attend a special general meeting to be held at the Swiss Country Club.

The meeting is aimed at presenting the draft of the association’s new constitution to residents for their approval on September 21 at 19:00.

A statement released by Collen Bowen on behalf of the interim committee said this was an opportunity for residents to have their say on how the suburb should be run.

“After the meeting, the draft will be sent to the directorate for approval. Then an annual general meeting (AGM) will be held and those who are interested in serving on the committee in any capacity and no matter how small a role you want to play, are welcome to come forward,” read the statement.

At the association’s June 23 AGM, a ‘constitution crisis’ arose when the results of the meeting were disputed.
Three executive members were voted in the following positions uncontested – Marianne Nel as the chairperson, Carol Thornton as treasurer and Bronwyn Mayhew as secretary.

Six additional nominations from the community for the three remaining positions on the committee were received but a motion that all six volunteers be elected to the committee was made and this was then adopted at the meeting by members of the community.

Bowen said the current constitution did not outline how the association should be governed for the benefit and improvement of Vorna Valley.

Related article: 

Vorna Valley Residents Association invites residents to an important annual AGM meeting

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