Curro Waterfall primary learners dress for their future careers

The annual career dress up day gives young genuine feel and experience of how it it like to be in a certain profession.

Foundation phase learners of Curro Waterfall City had a career day dress up in what they want to be when they grow up on June 3.

Katlo Mahuma dresses in construction attire. Photo: Supplied

The day is one of the school’s annual events and head of foundation phase Chonelle Smith said the aim was to expose learners to the exciting big world and what they have to look forward to in their futures.

Mishika Lingam hopes to be an engineer in construction work after her varsity days. Photo: Supplied
Dibolelo Mahabane wants to work in a hospital theatre and be a surgical doctor. Photo: Supplied

Smith said, “It is to allow our learners to be exposed and to experience what it entails to do their desired career. This we hope will motivate them to work hard and achieve all their desired goals so they can one day live out their dream career.”

Liam Moodley wishes to be a medical doctor when he completes his varsity studies. Photo: Supplied

Smith said the Grade 1s participated in a career expo. “Each year it exposes them, and they learn more about the different career choices and whether they would rather venture in another direction in life or continue to strive for their same dream job. The learners enjoyed and learnt a lot about the different career choices there are and some learnt of new careers they had not been exposed to before.”

Phumudzo Ramfumedzi wishes to be a racing driver when she grows up. Photo: Supplied

She concluded that many learners were influenced by their parents or family members, while others were influenced by shows they had seen or experiences their parents had exposed them to.


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