Curro Waterfall’s Grade 1 learners enjoy their first day at ‘big school’

WATERFALL – Grade 1s talk about their first day at 'big school.'

With schools having started on January 12, Curro Waterfall’s Grade 1 learners shared their experiences after attending their first day of ‘big school’.

The Midrand Reporter was there to capture the sweet moments after the school day ended.

Ishara Mbatha said that her first day was okay, they first got to watch a movie then went to play followed by a yummy lunch.
She said was looking forward to attending school every day, “The one thing that I love about school is learning the ‘ABC’s'(alphabets).”

Curro Waterfall’s Grade 1 learner Ishara Mbatha says that she is ready and excited to attend all school days this year. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

Lihan Harris, who also had his debut of a formal learning career day at Curro said that he had fun.
He added that he did colouring in and was happy that he got to meet his friends from Grade R as well as new friends.

Curro Waterfall’s Grade 1 learner, Lihan Harris is happy after his first day of school. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

Mark Heidmann, executive head at Curro Waterfall shared some words with their Grade 1 learners.
Heidmann said that this time of the year there was always that great excitement around the new learners, the Grade Rs and 1s, the oversized uniforms, the excited and nervous parents.

He said that it was exciting because most of the learners have come through their preschool, but there was also that feeling that they are entering into formal education.

“Have a wonderful time, enjoy coming to school every day because what we are embarking upon is a 12-year journey.

Kelsey Van Hasselt is excited to go home with her mom Samantha Van Hasselt after her first day of school. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo
Curro Waterfall’s Grade 1 teacher, Jennifer Kinsella walks Edward Fraser home after a long first day of school with him. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

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