Curro Waterfall looks forward to a great year

WATERFALL – Among other things the school was looking forward to building its new high school campus.

Curro Waterfall shared their highlights of the year and festive wishes.

Mark Heidmann, the executive head for the school said what had encouraged him this year was how the school has bounced back after the lockdowns.

He said the moment the country went into lockdown, they had to do online teaching and everyone had been able to adapt quickly.

“It is a case of the teachers have come in and have accepted that it [online teaching] is now embedded in all that they do and the quality of that has improved… As we sit here, we brace them for online teaching for next year. We hoping it does not happen but we are anticipating it.”

Heidmann added next year they would have their first matric class and the buildup to that would be exciting.
Another highlight would be the construction of their new high school campus in Waterfall next year.
“Our new school is going to be taking modern thinking and modern education, and just boosting that even further. We are looking forward to a good year next year regardless of what gets thrown our way.”

From the staff to parents and learners, Heidmann wished everyone a happy new year. “Thank you for this year, it could have been so much more difficult, instead there has been a sense of community and it has made our lives easier and the focus on education in difficult times better.
“We are looking forward to working with you again next year and returning to some sort of sense of order.”
Details: Curro Waterfall 087 287 9469.

What are your hopes for next year? Please share your thoughts on our social media platforms.

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