Candidate councillors share their plans for Ward 92


These are Ward 92 Councillor candidates…  

SILAS MODISE, ACTION SA: I reside in Kaalfontein Extension 5 and have been staying here for the past 18 years. I have had an interest in politics for a very long time.
I joined Action SA from the DA so I can improve the lives of people. There are a lot of informal settlements that need help because they have no proper water systems, electricity and have a high number of unemployed youth. Alcohol abuse by youth is also a major issue. Our communities lack facilities such as playgrounds. 
MATHEW PIENAAR, THE ORGANIC HUMANITY MOVEMENT: I am 26-years-old. I run my own business, buying and selling furniture. I am also halfway through a chemical engineering degree. But my main passion has always been politics and specifically helping South Africans become free. I joined the Organic Humanity Movement and I am a member of the National Executive Council. Our goals as a party are holistic and nationwide. We want people to be more self-reliant. 
MILLICENT MAISELA, PATRIOTIC ALLIANCE: I am a dynamic young mother that believes in securing a future for our children. I want to be a part of real change in my community through tangible service to my community. Some of the problems identified in my ward are the root cause of poor service delivery including safety and security, human settlement, basic education, security to infrastructure, development in agriculture and land reform.
CHARMAINE NGOEPE, AFRICAN NATIONAL CONGRESS: I have a diploma in business management, business administration, human resources and a certificate from the OR Tambo School of Leadership.
The big issues we have are substance abuse, issues of electricity and unemployment. My solution is to work with the community, as the ANC has done, by letting the community choose their own councillor to work with. I will be working with the community closely and I will involve all the stakeholder departments

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