Ikamva celebrates achievements

Ikamva Youth provides after-school classes, availing learners of different schools in Grade 9 to 12 free tutors to help them improve their marks.

Ikamva Youth branch in Ebony Park hosted a matric results prize-giving ceremony on 26 February to celebrate their learners’ great work and achievements.

Lelethu Kotlolo, the second top acheiver, gets her prize from Ikamva’s brand administrator Felistas Mariya. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

Ikamva Youth provides after-school classes, availing learners of different schools in Grade 9 to 12 free tutors to help them improve their marks. Ebony Park branch’s Class of 2020 attained a 90 per cent pass rate last year, slightly down from 2019’s 96 per cent pass rate.

Makhosazana Masondo feels gratitude as she recieves her prize. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

Out of the 42 learners who enrolled last year, 20 learners achieved a bachelor’s degree pass, 17 attained diploma admissions and one attained a higher certificate admission.

Felistas Mariya, brand administrator at Ikamva said it was important to honour this group of learners because they had persevered through a challenging year.

Ikamva’s Class of 2020 matric learners Boitumelo Pholo and Karabo Mutukwe are excited to receive their gifts. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

“They have to soldier ahead because they showed us that against all odds they can achieve what we never expected. I can call them fighters and conquerors as they fought when things were not good. They have to carry on with this same spirit to go on to another level,” she added.

Ikamva’s Class of 2020 matric learners say goodbye with a big jump. Photos: Ofentse Ditlopo

The top achiever, Leeroy Sikhosana who bagged three distinctions said it had been incredibly difficult for him to focus as both his parents had lost their jobs. “Learning during Covid-19 was very hard, I could not go to the library as it was closed. At home I have siblings and there is noise.

“During the lockdown, I had to improvise and study late at night. Since both my parents did not work, we were dependent on an income from the government and I had to keep my head up, focus and bring results.

Dineo Kekana recieves her prize from Ikamva’s brand administrator Felistas Mariya. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

“But it made me strong and made me realise that one has to adapt in every situation. Therefore, this year I am running a matric aid [programme] assisting matriculants and I am enrolled at the University of Witswatersrand for mathematical sciences.”

Dineo Kekana is grateful for the support from Ikamva.

The second top learner, Lelethu Kotlolo said she was happy with her marks although she felt she could have done better. “I am very thankful to Ikamva, they have taught us, most importantly, to focus. A lot has been going on because of the pandemic and people lost focus, but here they were reminding us constantly to be focused and do our best. I am going to study medicine at the University of Witswatersrand.”

Details: Ikamva Youth 012 753 2166.

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