‘Ensure African culture isn’t lost’

MIDRAND – Pascaline Mazibuko, SANCO Nkangala organiser said that Boulders shopping centre should educate their staff and tenants about African cultures.

Members of the South African National Civic Organisation’s (Sanco) Youth Congress led a protest outside the Boulders Shopping Centre building in Midrand on 26 March following a social media storm that erupted on 24 March. A viral video posted on social media showed the manager of the centre telling shopper Thando Mahlangu, who was dressed in his traditional isiNdebele attire, that he was dressed inappropriately.

Marchers representing their respective cultures outside Boulders Shopping Centre. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

Pascaline Mazibuko, organiser for Sanco Youth Congress in Nkangala said the group had travelled from Mpumalanga to protest at the mall. Mazibuko added that they first got in touch with Mahlangu to find out if he would be in support of the protest.

Thulisile Mandlaazi and Poppy Kok from Delmas IsiNdebele support Sancos’s protest outside Boulders Shopping Centre. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

“We are under Mahlangu’s instruction and his request. Mahlangu and his representatives will speak to the management and say what they would like to see happening. Ours is just to make sure that communities are guarded to ensure that the African culture is not lost,” said Mazibuko.

Following the incident, Redefine Properties which owns the mall, released a statement saying that the centre manager had been suspended. However, Mazibuko said that was not enough. “Boulders Shopping Centre should have a programme to educate their staff members and their tenants about our different cultures. The suspension is just a public relation stunt.”

Mahlangu told the Midrand Reporter that he had not made any demands as to how he would like to see the matter being handled by the management of the mall.

He added that the Kwa Ndebele chieftaincy wanted the management of the centre to go to the Ndebele palace to apologise because they had humiliated the Ndebele tribe, culture and language, and Mahlangu as an artist representing the IsiNdebele culture.

Redefine Properties CEO Andrew König said the company respected the choice of all South Africans to dress, associate and assert their identity and cultural beliefs. “As an immediate measure, we will strengthen diversity training efforts to all our centre managers.”

Cebo Mahlangu from Nzundza Maboko in Mpumalanga at Boulders shopping centre in support of the IsiNdebele culture. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

König said that Redefine Properties and the South African Human Rights Commission (SAHRC) began talks on 26 March, which ended on 29 March. He said that they had agreed on a number of initiatives.

Cebo Mahlangu from Nzundza Maboko in Mpumalanga at Boulders shopping centre in support of the IsiNdebele culture. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

“Redefine Properties will conduct cultural and human rights training sessions with all its front-facing staff and its management as a national intervention under the guidance of the SAHRC.

The cultural and human rights training sessions would be piloted at the Boulders Shopping Centre within the next three months.”

Sipho Masombuka (IsiNdebele), Diikgetse Sepenyane (Sesotho), Elijah Mahlangu (IsiNdebele) and
Cebo Mahlangu (IsiNdebele) at Boulders Shopping Centre representing their cultures.Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

Redefine Properties has also agreed to provide the SAHRC with its internal policies in relation to human resources, human rights and diversity for the SAHRC’s input.

“Redefine Properties will, at its own cost, host a cultural exhibition where different cultures will be able to showcase their cultural practices through the display and sale of cultural traditional attire, artefacts and an information session on indigenous knowledge systems.

“Redefine Properties has contacted Thando Mahlangu and expects to meet with him shortly and welcomes the opportunity for meaningful engagement,” König concluded.

Related Article: 

UPDATE: Boulders Shopping Centre manager suspended

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