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Local business network welcomes 2021 budget

FOURWAYS– The CEO at the local business network, Linda Blackbeard said they were however disappointed with the budget allocated to the Department of Education this year.

Fourways Chamber of Commerce and Industry has welcomed the tax adjustments made by the minister of finance, Tito Mboweni announced in his 2021 budget speech.

The business network said tax adjustments announced by the minister would assist local businesses to grow and have some savings following the devastating impact caused by Covid-19 lockdown regulations.

The CEO at the business network, Linda Blackbeard said they were, however, disappointed with the budget allocated to the Department of Education this year.

“As a developing state, to allocate more budget to social grants than to education is truly disheartening. We need to spend more money on education and less on subsidies and social grants. People need to be educated which is something that will make them employable or empower them to be able to start their own businesses and employ others,” she said.

Blackbeard added that as an organisation, they were hopeful that the government would put more resources in the fight against corruption and bring to book all those involved in syphoning off public monies.

“We are only hopeful that much more attention will be given to corruption against those who steal from this economy.

Blackbeard concluded, “The arm of the law must take its course, to speedily resolve matters and to bring back business confidence and trust amongst the citizens of this country, so together there can be a better life for all and to strive for a winning nation.”

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