Club plans to host bootcamp to raise awareness about gender-based violence

MAYIBUYE – Kwena Ramoroka and the Gum Club fitness club are inviting the community of Mayibuye and surrounding areas to the Mayibuye Community Park to have a discourse on gender-based violence.

Gum Club fitness club member Kwena Ramoroka along with the club are inviting Mayibuye residents to join them on 14 November to engage in a discussion about gender-based violence in the community.

According to Ramoroka, the event will not just only focus on gender-based violence, they will also take the opportunity to hand out sanitary pads to girls in the community. “Members of the community can come wearing active gear as there will be many activities happening to stimulate us all physically and mentally. But our main purpose with this event is to alert the community on the impact gender-based violence has on our community and how it can be ended,” he said.

“If we can stand together as one, there is a lot that we can achieve. We must always tap into our Ubuntu spirit to know what is right… We need to come up with solutions and preventable measures for ending gender-based violence.” Ramoroka added that the attendance of the community would play a vital part in the event.

“There will be speeches from different people about gender-based violence, also people that have been affected by gender-based violence. We will also do a bit of aerobic and sporting activities as well hand out sanitary towels to our young girls. “We have also invited the local police, health care workers and social workers as they all play a very important part in our community.”

Ramoroka concluded in saying that everyone was invited and welcome to attend the event. Details: For more information Ally Ramoroka on 0712398828 or Nelson Mashaba on 0832210049. 

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