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ICYMI: Midrand SPCA has big plans

GLEN AUSTIN – The Midrand SPCA discussed the past and upcoming years at their annual general meeting.

The Midrand SPCA hosted their annual general meeting at Ambrosia Hall in Glen Austin on 25 July.

Chairperson of the Midrand SPCA Brenda Lucas said, “Sadly the event was poorly attended by the public and only the management committee, general manager and an inspector was present. It is possible that due to the Covid-19 virus, people are cautious about attending events at this stage.

“The meeting’s primary discussions included numerous projects done during the financial year, their statistics on cruelty complaints and inspectorate work done along with the election of a new management committee members.

Lucas said, “The society has several projects planned for this year, which include the expansion on their new clinic, upgrades to their farm yard, offices, staff quarters and kennels.

“With the influx of people in need of our assistance with medical care for their animals that cannot afford private treatment, our clinic facility needs to be expanded to allow for an additional surgery room, consult room and clinic waiting room. We are hoping that we can do this expansion this year as this would ultimately benefit the community and their animals.”She said that the organisation is also planning on upgrades to their kennels.

“The upgrades to our kennels has been an ongoing item and with over 90 kennels to upgrade, this has been a slow process that could only be done as and when funding becomes available. Our kennels suffer from general wear and tear and require maintenance work as well as upgrades to some that have suffered irreparable damage.

“These projects however will only be able to commence once funding becomes available and the organisation asked the public to please support them in this endeavour to help benefit the animals.”

Lucas concluded, “The Midrand SPCA thanks the public for their continued support as without their assistance, we would seize to exist.”Details: Midrand SPCA011 265 9935.

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