Putting R400 million back in the hands of residents

JOBURG – The City has also extended the Expanded Social Package benefits period for existing beneficiaries.

The City has approved rates relief which will return R400 million to the City’s property owners.

This is according to a statement released by the City of Johannesburg’s Finance MMC Jolidee Matongo on 31 July. The relief includes the waiving of penalty interest charges on defaulting municipal accounts for the period between April and June. The statement said, “The relief is set to be automatically activated for residential properties.”
This adds to the relief measures put in place for rate payers as they face the Covid-19 lockdown and all the financial challenges caused by it. Matongo added that multipurpose residential and business properties need to apply to qualify for the additional rates relief.

The City has also extended the Expanded Social Package (ESP) benefits period for existing beneficiaries. According to the MMC, this is to reduce the number of residents visiting customer centres in a bid to renew their benefit period during the lockdown. “There is no need for ESP beneficiaries and residential property owners to visit the City’s customer centres to qualify for the additional relief as it will be automatically applied on their record and accounts, respectively.”
The City has appealed to ratepayers to continue paying for services and keeping their accounts up to date.

Regional Customer Service Centre (CSC) email addresses:

Those in financial distress are advised to approach the City to enter into a payment arrangement to avoid future penalties. Credit Control Department, creditcontrol@joburg.co.za

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