Covid-19: Support homes for the vulnerable in Midrand

MIDRAND – New Life Centre for Girls in Midrand hopes to receive help as donors and companies are battling the economic aches which come with the pandemic.

The lockdown of South Africa due to the coronavirus has had an impact on non-profit organisations which care for others.

The Midrand Reporter reached out to the New Life Centre for Girls home-based in Midrand to find out how are they coping in the midst of the coronavirus outbreak.

Founder for the organisation, Khopotso Nakin explained that people are forced to self-isolate and care for their families which makes it hard for them to be there for organisations like they usually do.

“Not many people are coming in to support or buy food for the children, and they are no longer volunteering their services because they are afraid of passing on the virus or getting it.

“Organisations like the New Life Centre that are not getting support from government are struggling more because we cannot stockpile food like other people who have finances.”

Nakin said that currently there is not enough food to sustain them for the coming months as the coronavirus has disrupted the way in which they keep the organisation running.

“At this moment we are short of a lot of things including disinfectants and sanitisers, they have become very expensive and you would find that they are sold out in many stores. The virus outbreak really alarmed everyone in the country including us and the children. The way in which it is growing, really has frightened all of us.”

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Nakin also added though times are tough they are trying their best to keep the children safe.

“We are using disinfectants for the children to bath and we also ensure the house is regularly cleaned with disinfectants. We clean the house every three hours but are soon going to run out of materials to carry on doing that because we do not have people helping out as they are self-isolating.

“The food will eventually run out because there is hardly people who come by. In addition, the kids are also encouraged to wash their hands as regularly as possible. We have also started doing laundry on a daily basis and we make sure to disinfect every item that enters the house, this is inclusive of all donations.”

Nakin thanked the companies, churches and individuals who have been there for the centre. “Keep on doing the good work, you are much appreciated. We will get through this together.”

Details: New Life Centre for Girls 079 843 4154.

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