Local parents frustrated over school admissions process

MIDRAND – Many parents and children lined up outside Midrand High School's gates since 13 January but some children have still not been placed at schools.

Midrand parents have been waiting since 14 January to get assistance and finalise their children’s placement problems at Midrand High School.

Many parents were outside the gates of the school on 17 January waiting for district officials to arrive and assist them in getting their child into a school close to their home.

Bertha Lefifi, mother of two youngsters in Grade 3 and Grade 8, shared her experience of the whole admission process. “There is hope – from yesterday’s report given by the District Education Department, there seems to be a way forward.

“They did issue out a few letters for spaces that were available, so we are waiting and hoping that today we will get space because the officials went to the schools to find out if there are spaces.”

Mbali Jiyani is looking for space for her daughter who is about to enter Grade 8. She said that she went to the school on 16 January but has been struggling to get hold of the district department of education. “My issue is that of relocation, my mother went to the district offices and she was being sent from pillar to post, not getting any help until yesterday when we decided to come here.”

Parents Bertha Lefifi and Mbali Jiyane are at Midrand High School in the hopes of finding placement for their respective children. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

Another parent, Hazel Clive, has been looking for placement for her children in Grade 2 and Grade 6. She said, “We went to Halfway House Primary School on 14 January and we were told that we have to wait until 24 January for an answer to see if there is any space.

“My daughter then went to the district offices just to get an answer from them, to which they told her to come to Midrand High School. She came here and we waited the entire day, there was no joy in it, they then told us to come on 17 January at 8am but they still have not arrived.”

Steve Mabona, spokesperson for MEC of Education Panyaza Lesufi, responded to the issue saying the parents should visit the District Department of Education or decentralised centres in Ivory Park, Oracle Secondary School and Midrand High School.

“We placed everyone in Midrand, those who have not been placed either did not submit all documents, submitted late applications or were placed and are not satisfied with the school they have been placed at.”

Details: Gauteng Education Department 011 355 0000.

Related article:

Parents scramble to place their children at Midrand High School

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