WATCH: Christ Church Preparatory School and College welcomes their Grade 1 class

MIDRAND – The Grade 1 class at Christ Church Preparatory School and College are ready for 'big school'.

Christ Church Preparatory School and College welcomed their Grade 1 class today, 15 January,  with warm open arms.

The Grade 1s are accompanied by their parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles to their first day of big school. Their loved ones wish them well as they embark on their educational journey.

Midrand Reporter journalist, Andrei van Wyk, is there to capture this exciting moment.

The principal of Christ Church Preparatory School and college David Bell said, “Christ Church Preparatory School and College had an awesome start to the year. The new Grade 1s, in their oversized school uniforms, had the cute factor as they entered ‘big school’ for the first time,” he said. “There was a great buzz around the school as old acquaintances were renewed and new friends were made.”

Grade 1 teacher Rietjie Pienaar said the day is very special and exciting with a lot of new children joining the school. “They are the most rewarding grade to teach as they’re learning basic skills that they will use for the rest of their schooling,” she added.

Phumi Zulu ready for Grade 1 at Christ Church Prep. Photo: Andrei van Wyk
Lanam Makapela with his parents Amanda and Lovuyo.Photo: Andrei van Wyk
Duenna Mambana with her son Nathan.Photo: Andrei van Wyk

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