Clinic goes the distance

MIDRAND – Relief has come for Klipfontein residents who no longer need to travel long distances to get access to health care.

Relief has come for Klipfontein residents who no longer need to travel long distances to get access to health care.

Johannesburg MMC for Health and Social Development Dr Mpho Phalatse welcomed the community members of Klipfontein View to launch a mobile clinic at the Klipfontein View Multi-Purpose Centre.

Community members and City of Joburg officials such as MMC for Corporate Services Dr Ntombi Khumalo, Chief Whip of Council Kevin Wax, executive director for health Dr Rafik Bismilla and Region E director Liziwe Makoro were in attendance to witness the long-awaited solution to nearby health care for many. The clinic was launched on 6 November.

Phalatse said that she was really grateful to the Economic Freedom Fighters for their brilliant idea of having mobile clinics in the City. “Indeed they brought the motion to council and it was supported by the Democratic Alliance including the smaller parties and today we are able to deliver a clinic.”

Phalatse added that according to the World Health Organisation, each and every person has to have access to health care within a 5km radius, and if there is not any, the government has to do something to meet the demand.

“This clinic is mobile because we want it to move around and go wherever there is a need for health care. But this specific clinic will be shared with Kya Sands as they also do not have a clinic…The truck will work four days a week and be serviced on the fifth day so it is ready for the following week. Mondays and Tuesdays the clinic will operate in Klipfontein, and Wednesday and Thursdays it will go to Kya Sands.”

Phalatse added that they are aware that some people are really far from clinics and some are bed-ridden. “I urge our community health workers to identify them so we know them. There is a team leader who is a nurse and they can visit those people at their homes.”

Liziwe Makoro, regional director for Region E welcomed the mobile clinic with joy. She added, “The City of Johannesburg is always there to listen to the community’s needs, both internally as we work for them and the community members as we are expected to serve and for that, we are truly grateful.

“I must say, this is a community that is always receptive of any developments whether big or small. We have come a long way, the community has been crying for a clinic and a police station and many other things because they have to walk distances for those services but today we are truly grateful for this.”

Ward 32 councillor Bongani Nkomo, also thanked the MMC and added that he encourages the community to make use of the mobile clinic. “I think far too many times we are given facilities and programmes by the City but we do not make use of them.”

Details: Stakeholder manager and spokesperson for the MMC for Health and Social Development, Siyanda Makhubo at

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