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A special donation to the Ivory Park North Library

IVORY PARK – Local Democratic Alliance member made a much-needed donation of books to the Ivory Park North Library.

Local community members recently led a generous donation to Ivory Park North Library.

Community members, including the Democratic Alliance PR councillor Julie Suddaby and member of parliament Madeleine Hicklin alongside local DA members, donated over 1 000 reference, educational and leisure books to the facility.

Hicklin said, “As part of our commitment to the upliftment of all learners within the Midrand Constituency, councillor Suddaby sourced over 1 000 books from various donors to take through to the library. Senior librarian, Marcus Tshikane was overwhelmed by the number of books we were bringing through, and the quality of the books being donated.”

Hicklin added that as learners in the area are entering an intense period of preparation for exams, the library operates on extended hours until the end of November. “Many of the donated books will actually be used in the Ivory Park facility, while others will be lent to other facilities as an when the need arises.”

Tshikane said that the library serves the greater Ivory Park community with a smaller facility at the Lord Khanyile Hall not able to offer the extended hours needed. “Learners from Lord Khanyile come to our facility for assistance on a regular basis. My passion, and the passion of all the librarians, is to see our learners succeed in their endeavours. We have committed ourselves to make this library a wonderful experience for learners from all corners of Ivory Park. ”

Details: Ivory Park North Library 011 224 0481.

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