Toastmasters celebrate their achievements at dinner

MIDRAND – The District 74 Toastmasters hosted their special induction dinner.

The District 74 Toastmasters gathered to celebrate their annual induction dinner.

Director of Division H and Midrand resident Audrey Mphela said, “All dressed in their stunning African couture.The annual induction dinner was held to recognise and celebrate the achievements of clubs and leaders who took on leadership roles in the 2018/2019 Toastmasters year. “

The executive leaders for the upcoming year were also installed into office, while existing leaders gain recognition for their hard work. Some of the awards handed over included Division of the year which went to Division H, the Jack Botha and Rob Douglas trophies which went to Division L headed by Senate Leeuw and her team for the greatest growth in membership.

The Area of the Year award went to Area A5, the Derek Waite Gavel Award for best performance went to the Kloof Business Toastmasters while club Emissary of the Year Award went to Alfred Deredzi.

The Division 74 Toastmaster are always looking for new members who would like to hone their craft in public speaking and communication. Residents who are interested in joining can email them at


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