MMC talks about City’s new policies

GLEN AUSTIN – MMC for Development Planning Reuben Masango wants to teach residents about the new policies of the city.


Glen Austin residents gathered at the Ambrosia Hall for a meeting with the MMC of Development Planning, Reuben Masango, which was organised by Ward 132 councillor Annette Deppe on 1 August, after the residents called for clarification on the City’s new policies.

Masango explained that one of his priorities at the department was to do more public engagements and participation processes.

“We have new policies, in particular, the land use scheme’, which is a combination of 16 different land-use schemes we had, and what we have planned for this financial year is that we would go around the different wards, and regions, calling together residents to teach them about what the new schemes and policies meant,” he said.

“We will also be explaining to them the Johannesburg City’s plans going forward because the department deals with policymaking and how we want the city to develop.”

The MMC mentioned that he picked up that a lot of the residents still struggled to understand the change to be brought about.

He added, “So with these meetings, we will teach them about the land use scheme, the nodal review policy, about the inclusionary housing policy, where when you develop, you have to include 30 per cent affordable development housing.

“We will also organise a workshop meeting for the residents here at Glen Austin to teach them about what plans we have for their area.

Brigitte Bell, who is a Glen Austin resident, gave her views on the overall meeting. “I found the talk very informative and interesting.”

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