#RabieRidgeProtest: Shop owners are targeted

RABIE RIDGE – The Rabie Ridge Residents Association, along with the shop owners in the area, held a meeting to discuss the issues of violence against the shop owners during recent protest action.

The Rabie Ridge Residents Association held a meeting with shop owners on 18 April to address issues of vandalism at their shops on the day of protest action which took place days before. Rabie Ridge residents had protested in response to illegal shacks being built in the area.

Shop owners came in numbers to attend the meeting. Many shop owners said they were concerned about the attitude of the community towards them because they were not part of the strike and their shops were closed on the day.

Samuel Tesfaye, who is a shop owner, said that he was afraid for his life and that his shop was closed on the day of protest.

He added, “As I was lying in bed I heard noises of people trying to break into my shop hitting the security door.”

“When I came out to see what was happening I found an axe which they had used to break into my shop. They took my money, stock and vandalised the whole place.”

At the meeting, a member of the residents association, Patrick Moleko, urged shop owners to be aware and alert because most of the youth that have looted their shops were those hanging around the shop.

He added, “As shop owners you should be in contact with one another and communicate if you notice anything suspicious.”

For more on the protest action, you can visit www.midrandreporter.co.za

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Rabie Ridge clinic closed due to protest action

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