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Metro police remove illegal shacks in Rabie Ridge

RABIE RIDGE – Metro police remove illegal land erected in Rabie Ridge ext 1.

Metro police removed illegal shacks that were erected on vacant land in Rabie Ridge Ext 1 on 16 April.

This follows after hundreds of Tembisa residents occupied a piece of vacant land along Modderfontein Road.  


Metro police remove illegal shacks in Rabie Ridge. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo
Metro police remove illegal shacks erected by Tembisa residents. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo


Metro police remove illegal shacks erected by Tembisa residents. Photo: Ofentse Ditlopo

The land invasion enraged residents of Rabie Ridge who claimed that the shacks would decrease the value of their properties. The residents claimed the vacant land was planned for development and not for shacks to be built on.

The angry residents took to the streets to protest against the land invasion. They barricaded the roads with burning tyres, and rocks. The violent protest led to the closing of a local clinic in Rabie Ridge. Among other things they are protesting about is the lack of development in the area and proper housing, and crime.

The City of Johannesburg’s Health and Social Development Department advised patients to visit nearby Thuthukani, Mayibuye and Bophelong clinics.

Related articles: 

Update: Rabie Ridge shutdown, protesters battling with land grabbers in the area

Rabie Ridge clinic closed due to protest action

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