Taxi food vendor’s robbers face the music

ALEXANDRA – Cash-in-transit guards apprehend taxi robbers.

Two men who robbed a taxi owner–cum–food vendor at gunpoint are due in the Alexandra Magistrates’ Court on 25 January. 

Their accomplice evaded arrest after the incident which occurred in Midrand in October last year.

The victim had parked his taxi along a street in the morning and was selling vetkoek from his vehicle. One suspect approached him, ordered some vetkoek and handed him a R10 note.

As the victim handed over the food and change to the ‘customer’, two other men came running towards the taxi and opened the passenger door and got into the vehicle.

This distracted the victim and in the confusion, the ‘customer’ hit him on the head with the barrel of a gun.

He then pulled the victim out of the vehicle and drove away in it.

The victim flagged down other motorists for help and guards in a cash-in-transit van stopped and gave chase after being told of the incident.

The robbers crashed into other vehicles and tried to flee on foot. The two were apprehended by the guards and later arrested by police.


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