Victim of attempted hijacking speaks out

MIDRAND – The carjacker proceeded to another car and pointed the firearm at a female driver.


A motorist who faced the barrel of a gun during an attempted hijacking in Midrand is calling for harsher jail sentences to help curb crime in the country.

“The country should put in place harsher sentences for people committing such crimes. If people knew that they would spend a long time in jail, I don’t think we would have such a high number of crimes,” said Louis Wessels, who lives in Centurion and works in Midrand.

On his way to work on 6 July, he was approached by an armed gunman while waiting at a red traffic light on the off-ramp to New Road from Pretoria. Wessels said he had his window half opened as he had just finished having a cigarette. He suddenly saw a man pointing a gun at his window.

“He then pointed the gun through my window against my head shouting for me to get out. Out of shock, I asked why. He said he wanted my car. He then demanded my cellphone and money. I told him I would drive into the car in front of me. He said I can do that but he will still shoot me,” he said.

Wessels said during the altercation, another car started hooting. “He immediately left my window and went to the car on the right-hand side of me. I saw him pointing the gun at the female driver and she handed her bag to him. At that time traffic was moving. I wish I had done something to help her but at that time I was also still in shock,” he explained.

After the incident, he said he had nightmares and becomes nervous each time he approaches a traffic light. “I am now consulting with a professional to help me deal with the shock and trauma. I am concerned that it could happen to other people. I was so stunned that it was actually happening to me! The only thing I could think of when the barrel of the gun was against my head was my family. I was thinking this is it – this is how my life will end.”

A spokesperson for the Midrand Police Station, Sergeant Matome Tlamela, shared these safety tips:

q If a stranger wants to talk to you while in your vehicle, do not open the window wide – 5cm is enough to have a discussion

q If something seems suspicious, do not talk to strangers, rather be rude and drive away

q Limit your trips at night or at least take someone along with you

q Vary the route you travel to work and back if this is possible

q If approached by a stranger while in your car, drive off if possible or press your hooter to attract attention

q If strangers loiter at your driveway or anywhere near your driveway, rather drive past. If they loiter for a long time, report it to your nearest police station

q Carjackers may stage a minor accident so they can approach your car

q If your car is bumped from behind and you do not feel comfortable with the individual(s) involved in the situation, drive to the nearest police station for help

q Do not reach for your purse or valuables; leave everything behind if forced from the car

q Your life is more valuable than your possessions

q Do not resist, especially if the thief has a weapon

q Give up your vehicle with no questions asked and move away.

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