Ward 78 councillor home vandalised due to service delivery issues

MIDRAND – Ivory Park Ward 78 councillor Steven Makamo's home was vandalised allegedly due to service delivery dissatisfactions.


Ivory Park Ward 78 councillor Steven Makamo’s home was vandalised allegedly by informal settlement dwellers due to service delivery dissatisfaction.

Nomsa Makamo, the councillor’s wife, said on 13 April, “I received a call at about 11.50am from my neighbour notifying me that there are hundreds of people outside my home.

“I was less worried about the crowd outside of my home because I was more concerned about the safety of my daughter Philisiwe Makamo (24) and my two-month-old grandson.”

Nomsa furthermore explained that her grandson’s father was the first among the family members to arrive and helped to escort her daughter and grandson out of the house by pleading with the angry crowd to allow them out.

All windows are destroyed and the toilet cracked and broken.
Ward 78 councillor Steven Makamo is in shock about the state of his home after it was vandalised.

The first-time ANC councillor shared his emotions and thoughts about the incident. Makamo said it was difficult to look at his home in this state and it was hard to also believe that it is people within his ward and community that did this to him and traumatised his daughter.

“I have lived in Ivory Park since the early 90s and have never experienced such treatment even though early this year a group of people protested outside my home demanding electricity in their informal settlement and we had agreed that a petition would be done and submitted to me and then forward to Eskom, but that was not done.”

According to Makamo, the damages are estimated at R250 000.

“The City will be granting my family a temporary home as we try and to get our home back into a respectable state.”

As eyewitnesses recalled the moments of the shocking incident, they revealed that hundreds of people, allegedly from Dali Mpofu informal settlement, arrived at the councillor’s house and began to jump the fence and vandalise the house.

Ivory Park Ward 78 councillor Steven Makamo’s home after it was vandalised.
Police attend to councillor Steven Makamo’s home after it was vandalised and community members look on in shock.

“We called the police as we watched in shock and fear as the hundreds of people vandalised the home. We wanted to help but feared for our safety because they were disgruntled and too many to reason with,” said eyewitnesses who wanted to remain anonymous.

Eyewitnesses further accused the Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) of being responsible for the vandalism and they alleged that some of the perpetrators wore EFF T-shirts.

According to community members, the Dali Mpofu residents allegedly blamed the councillor for having their illegal electricity connections disconnected on the very same morning.

The EFF is yet to reply to the allegations against them.

What message of comfort to do you have the Makamo family, share your messages on the Midrand Reporter Facebook page.

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