
Rabie Ridge community holds intervention after four teenagers allegedly gang-rape young girl

MIDRAND – Community organisation Youth On Track hosted an event to address peer pressure.


A community organisation called Youth On Track together with Rabie Ridge police hosted an event in Phomolong to try and address peer pressure among young people.

The event on 24 March was sparked by a couple of reported rape incidents which have taken place in the community during a short period of time.

“This intervention is aimed at teaching teenagers in the community about how to deal with peer pressure so it does not result in rape, bullying, substance abuse, and violence,” said the Rabie Ridge police spokesperson, Captain Matsobane Masela.

On 4 March, four young people between the ages of 15 and 17 years were arrested in Kanana for allegedly gang-raping a 15-year-old girl.

According to Masela, one of the boys asked the girl to visit him while his parents were away but when the girl arrived, the boy and three of his friends who were also present allegedly gang-raped the 15-year-old girl.

“The four boys were arrested and charged with rape after the girl’s parents opened a case against them, but the boys were later released into the care of their parents while investigations take place.”

Masela said this case is one of many sexual offences case reported in March involving Rabie Ridge, Mayibuye and Phomolong and the police suspect they are a result of young people succumbing to peer pressure.

The police have appealed to parents and urged them to take care of their children to avoid such incidents from taking place.

Details: Rabie Ridge Police Station 011 310 0410.

What message would you like to share with rape victims that are still too scared to speak out about their ordeal and report it? Share your message on Midrand Reporter Facebook page.

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