Dis-Chem and employees reach agreement

MIDRAND – EFF has reached an agreement with Dis-Chem on behalf of the employees.


The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) held negotiations with Dis-Chem Pharmacies’ executives on 26 February at the Dis-Chem Distribution Centre in Midrand in relation to the 38 dismissed employees.

Employees were dismissed for not following the picketing rules that were agreed upon ahead of the legal National Union of Public Service and Allied Workers (Nupsaw) protest in January.

Nupsaw had been protesting for organisational rights and employee bonuses, which had not been paid out in December last year. The employer alleged the dismissed employees were seen on footage threatening non-protesting employees, some were accused of barring on-duty workers from entering and exiting the premises, instigating violence, using social media platforms to spread negative news about the company, carrying dangerous weapons during a protest and mainly disruption of production among others.

“All employees were given a written warning for their alleged conduct, but will all be back at work on 27 February,” said EFF chief whip Sepetlele Raseruthe.

“All affected employees were happy with the outcome of the negotiations, which stated that if any of the 38 employees acquire another written warning they will not qualify for a bonus in December.”

The warning will be generic to every affected employee and will only be valid for 12 months.

Raseruthe said the political party was approached by the affected employees to intervene in their case with Dis-Chem.

“I’m pleased that both the workers and the employer have reached a violence-free agreement through the mediation of the EFF.”

What is your take on the continuous protests that have been targeting Dis-Chem? Share your thoughts on the Midrand Reporter Facebook page.

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