
Caution advised ahead of Black Friday madness

JOBURG – As Black Friday and Cyber Monday approach, follow these tips to avoid falling victim to online criminal activity.

Online exclusive


Online shopping continues to grow in popularity thanks to Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals and with this a rise in online fraud.

Head of customer issuing at Absa, Tshipi Alexander encouraged online shoppers not to provide personal financial information over the internet.

Alexander provided internet users with the following tips:

  • Keep your personal information secure by changing your online pin and passwords regularly
  • Never open a link or attachment in an email claiming to be from your bank as it may take you to a fraudulent website or virus which contains keylocking software
  • Be aware that phishing scams make use of instant messaging systems including GoogleTalk or Skype and Facebook. When in doubt, do not click on any unknown link
  • Install good quality security software on your device and ensure that it is regularly updated
  • Do not bank or shop online when using a public terminal such as internet cafes, hotels, coffee shops or student portals
  • Before you bank online, double check that you are within the secure internet banking website
  • Check the browser for a closed lock and/or key icon which should be either at the bottom or the top of your screen
  • Always end the current session by closing your browser window and never leave your computer unattended while logged onto internet banking
  • Notify your bank immediately if you face malicious threats online or notice any unusual activity on your bank cards or bank statements.
  • Register with the notification service from your bank to automatically receive SMSes when there is any activity on your online bank account.


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