
Radebe rallies in Klipfontein

MIDRAND – Jeff Radebe is visiting ANC branches before the upcoming elections.


Hundreds of ANC members gathered in the Klipfontein community hall on 4 October to listen to ANC presidential candidate Jeff Radebe.

The event was organised by Ward 32’s Chief Albert Luthuli branch, but representatives from the South African Students Congress (Sasco), the ANC Youth League and the Congress of South African Students (Cosas) also attended the event.

The ANC Youth League celebrated its 73rd anniversary at the same time.

ANC members listen to presidential candidate Jeff Radebe in the Klipfontein community hall.

The theme of the gathering was ‘unity’ and Sasco representatives said the ANC should resist the division and chaos which is evident in the KwaZulu-Natal political killings.

Cosas agreed with the Progressive Youth Alliance which said young people should be included in Parliament, and supported the alliance’s views by stating, “As much as Parliament is not a creche, it also is not an old-age home.”

ANC members turn up in their numbers to hear Jeff Radebe.

Cosas blamed the Gauteng leadership for their loss of the metros and said they focused on discrediting the current national ANC leadership rather than holding door-to-door campaigns.

Radebe said, “Before the end of apartheid, the life expectancy of a black person was 49 years, and due to the programmes and hard work of the ANC, the life of the majority of South Africans has risen to 63.

“Total liberation can only be achieved by the emancipation of the majority from poverty and economic struggles.”

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