Stay safe all the way home

JOBURG– Seven Arrows Security urges residents to be vigilant of follow-home robberies. Read here to get more information.

Seven Arrows Security reminds residents and communities about safety issues and pleads with them to take the information seriously.

“Follow-home robbers work in teams and have a very well-tailored approach which has been successful to them for quite some time,” said Jason Mordecai, COO of the security company. “We urge you to help us in stopping them from being successful in these types of crimes.”

He explained that these gangs usually consisted of two or more members. Gang members have different roles, allowing them to identify, follow and then rob their victims. Many of these follow-home robberies are initiated from smaller shopping centres which have a limited number of exits. The robbers will follow their victim to their destination and these robberies can take place in less than a minute.

How to avoid becoming a target:

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