Sanitary towel drive at David Makhubo Secondary School in Kaalfontein

MIDRAND – Ward 112 councillor Madeleine Hicklin handed out sanitary towels to all grade 10, 11 and 12 girls at David Makhubo Secondary School.


Ward 112 councillor Madeleine Hicklin visited David Makhubo Secondary School in Kaalfontein, Midrand on 4 September to hand out sanitary towels.

“The drive is aimed at ensuring that no girl child misses even a day of school because they are financially disadvantaged and cannot afford sanitary towels on a monthly basis,” said Hicklin.

The sanitary towels will go a long way to ensure all girl children go to school.
Photo: Welisa Nene

Each girl pupil from grade 10 to 12 received a sanitary towel packet which had been donated by community members.

“This is not the first school to reap from this charity drive and it also will not be the last because there is still a lot of girl children that still need to be reached.”

David Makhubo Secondary School matriculants are pleased with their sanitary towels.
Photo: Welisa Nene

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