Celebrating Women’s Day at the Ebony Park Loftus grounds

EBONY PARK – Community members will gather to celebrate Women's Day.


When women marched to the Union Building’s in 1956, they did it for everyone who was being restricted from freedom of movement.

Sixty-one years later, women of all ages, including those of Ebony Park, Kaalfontein and Ivory Park will celebrate Women’s Day with a fun-filled day at the Ebony Park Loftus grounds.

Girls play a soccer match at a previous celebration of Women’s Day.


Communities of Ebony Park, Kaalfontein and Ivory Park come together to celebrate and enjoy a previous Women’s Day event.

The day will include a walk, indigenous games, soccer and netball tournaments and other activities which will recognise and showcase the talents of women from these areas.

This year, the Hold my Hand Day will be held on 12 August.

Lubabalo, a non-profit organisation whose main focus is to supply high school girls with sanitary pads is organising and hosting the event.

Details: Contact Kenalemang Leteane on 063 292 7021 or 078 163 4219.

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