Man arrested by Midrand police for allegedly dealing in drugs

MIDRAND – The police arrested a man for allegedly dealing in drugs.


Midrand police received information that led to the arrest of a Tanzanian national on 16 May.

The man was arrested for allegedly dealing in drugs in one of the complexes in Midrand.

During a police search at the man’s property, police allegedly found eight packets of heroin wrapped in tape.

“The search was conducted with the authority of a search warrant,” said Midrand Police Station communications officer, Warrant Officer Mmakgomo Semono.

Semono discouraged dealing in and using drugs in the community and said the police are working hard to bring an end to drugs.

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Details: Midrand Police Station 011 347 1600.


What methods can the police use to put an end to drugs? Tweet us @MidrandReporter

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