Accounting firm helps New Jerusalem Children’s Home in Midrand with building material

MIDRAND – Can you also help this home with building material?


Gobodo Forensic Investigative Accounting donated 60 cubic metres of plastering sand to the New Jerusalem Children’s Home.

The donation followed after the home made numerous requests to the public for plastering sand and other building materials to complete the building additions to the home.

Many donors contributed building materials for the boy’s residential unit which will accommodate 40 children.

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“Gobodo Forensic and Investigative Accounting answered the organisation’s call and made a donation towards the plastering sand and the finishing of the brickwork,” said CEO of the company Johnnie Mokae. “We have seen it fit to support with the plastering need after we understood the psychological impact and positive energies this building holds for the children and youth of this organisation.”

Managing director of the home, Anna Mojapelo said the overcrowding at the home had been proven to be affecting the children psychologically, academically and socially.

“It is vital for the home to adequately shelter all children to eliminate future negativity which might originate from the psychological impact of the overcrowding,” Mojapelo said.

The home is still looking for assistance with river sand, electrical wiring, plumbing tubes, toilet seats, showers, ceiling boards, tiles and glazing.

Details: 010 224 0459; 082 739 5177; 082 732 7832;

Edited by Stacey Woensdregt

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