Rabie Ridge takes a stand against escalating crime in the area

MIDRAND – Rabie Ridge community stands together to curb crime and substance abuse.


Rabie Ridge police management, the community policing forum and the department of community safety conducted extensive community patrols on 24 February.

The patrols were sparked by the Rabie Ridge Police Station’s need to curb the escalation of break-ins, theft, hijacking, robberies and other forms of crime which were eating away at the community.

Corporate communications officer Mofana Masela said the criminal activities were a result of high levels of substance abuse such as drugs, alcohol and nyaope in the area.

Masela said an awareness campaign also took place during the patrols to educate and warn the members of the community about assault and child abuse stemming from child neglect.

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The police hope that the campaign and patrols will create unity in the community and an environment in which residents can work with the police to eradicate crime.

“The community committed themselves to join community forums. It was a successful initiative because the community came in numbers to participate,” concluded Masela.

Details: Rabie Ridge Police Station 011 310 0410.

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