Mob justice sees man burnt alive in Rabie Ridge for suspecting him of murder

RABIE RIDGE - About 3000 members of Kanana extension four community in Rabie Ridge allegedly burnt a man to death on 11 March accusing him of a murder that took place early that morning.

About 3000 members of Kanana extension four community in Rabie Ridge allegedly burnt a man to death on 11 March accusing him of a murder that took place early that morning.
According to spokesperson for Ekurhuleni North police cluster Captain Lesebana Molokomme, two police vehicles arrived at the scene at 09:00 where there man was already set alight.
However, the police were over numbered by the angry mob and back up was called. More police came including the Metro police and dispersed the crowd.
“The man was accused of killing another man who was found dead on a street at about 01:00 am in Rabie Ridge. By the time back up police arrived, the accused was already burnt to death,” said Molokomme.
Wood, tyres and plastics were allegedly used to set him ablaze. His family identified him on the scene. A case of murder has been opened and investigated by the Rabie Ridge police.
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