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Entrepreneur speaks out against xenophobia

MIDRAND - Young entrepreneur speaks out against xenophobia


A Midrand entrepreneur and founder of I Am Branded Media, Simo Maholwana, has challenged the government, business people and community leaders to stand up and preach unity amidst the xenophobic attacks in the province.

He said although he is against illegal immigrants who are committing crimes in the country, he does not believe that violence will resolve anything. “We need the voice of President Jacob Zuma to be stronger, now more than ever, as I believe he is one of the most influential people in the country. Business people and community leaders need to speak out against these xenophobic attacks,” he said.

Maholwana further said that these attacks were creating an African war instead of an African economy. “It’s time for Africa to rise and develop each other as Africans. Europe has nothing much to offer us and, as business people, we are limited. We need to start trading amongst each other as African businesses to create and grow our economy,” he added.

He also emphasised that government needs to implement strict security measures at the borders and keep a monitored database of immigrants coming into the country to control the population. “People just walk into South Africa which now creates the problem of having undocumented immigrants who end up committing crime in the country. We must also remember that during apartheid our leaders fought in Africa for the freedom of South Africa. Not all foreigners are here with bad intentions. Let’s treat them well, some day we will need them to treat us well also,” he concluded.

What is your view about the xenophobic attacks that have been taking place in the province? Tweet us on @MidrandReporter

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