Same success, but new heights for Dainfern College

DAINFERN - School celebrates their pupils' excellence.

Dainfern College just got their Independent Examinations Board (IEB) results. The school celebrated an astounding 16th consecutive year of a 100% pass rate. They also accumulated 100% access to tertiary study, including degree and diplomas. Dainfern College is proud to announce that 98,3% university exemption was achieved and 144 subject distinctions were accumulated, meaning that an average of 2,48 distinctions per matriculate was achieved.
Matthew Davies, Dainfern College Principal, said that the school is proud of the achievements of its 2016 matriculants and he congratulated the teachers and students on another year of achieving a 100% pass rate.

Melanie Lesch achieved top 5% of IEB for 6 subjects or more, top 1% of IEB for Accounting, Afrikaans, English, Life Orientation and Life Sciences

“My secret this year is just too never ever stop believing in your capabilities and to not let failure be an option, a bullet proof attitude,“ said Lesch.

Lesch added that she has had a passion for medicine since the age of fifteen and would love to pursue that dream. She said that if she had one message for the rest of the world is that you should always be proud of who you are and be happy with you, at least try every day.

Mart-Mari Lesch is the very proud mother of Melanie and said that she is still very emotional about the amazing results that her daughter could attain, after being in hospital for a while, just before her exams.
“When we saw the results we just grabbed each other, we were over joyed and very proud, so many doors are open for Melanie now,” said a proud and teary Mart-Mari.

Mart-Mari added that she knows her daughter will make a fantastic doctor.

Nicholas van der Meulen who is top 5% of IEB for 5 subjects or more and top 1% of IEB for Afrikaans & Life Orientation and attained eight distinctions. Nicoline van der Meulen Nicholas’ mother said that she is currently still very overwhelmed.

Nicholas van der Meulen.

“Wow, an exceptional achievement, congratulations Nicholas, teachers, Dainfern College and the matric class of 2016. We thank God and we are so proud of you,” said Nicoline.

Anda Nyati who was not available for comment at the time also attained goose bump results. She received eight distinctions and is 1% of IEB in Geography.

Anda Nyati.

Another successful year for the students, parents and teachers of Dainfern College.

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