Ivory Park Police Station commander speaks about crime

IVORY PARK – Ngcobo tightens safety belts this festive season...


Ivory Park Police Station Commander Bigadier David Ngcobo has wished safe travels for those who would be heading to various destinations in South Africa and beyond.

He further appealed to those who would be leaving their properties to take all necessary measures to ensure their belongings are kept safe; and for those who would be enjoying their leisure time away, to do so responsibly.

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During the festive season, Ngcobo urged citizens to work with the police to fight crime. “The festive season is meant to be a period when families and relatives spend time with one another. Our appeal as Ivory Park police officers, working together with the community of this area, is for people to enjoy responsibly and keep in mind that traffic rules are there to be complied with,” he said.

“We also plead with people not to drink and drive and that police are here to protect and serve. We need all the assistance we can get from law-abiding citizens in order to make life difficult for the criminal elements within our midst.”

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Ngcobo further assured those who would be in the area during the festive season, that Ivory Park police officers would, like their colleagues in the rest of the country, be out in full force as they strive to ensure that residents are safe.

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