Lending a helping hand

MIDRAND – Channel Africa donated blankets and clothes for Tumelo Home's disabled children.

Channel Africa celebrated World Disability Month with the Tumelo Children’s Home for children with disabilities on 4 November, as part of acknowledging the role played by the institution to cater for disabled children.
Tumelo Home takes care of children who suffer from intellectual disabilities. The centre cares for 42 children in Ivory Park and 26 children in President Park, Midrand. The managing director for Tumelo Home, Solomon Khuthama said the home caters for mostly children but also has a few adults, with the oldest being 57 years of age.

Channel Africa team lend a helping hand at the Tumelo Home for the disabled.

Khuthama said Channel Africa donated blankets and clothes for the children and also spent the day with them.
Sponsors like Sesli, Premier Hotels, the Ghana High Commission and the SABC donated items of clothing, sanitary towels, nappies, bath soap and much more which cater for the basic needs of the children.
Khuthama said the SABC usually has an annual event with the children but Channel Africa worked with the home for the first time and said they hoped that this can also become an annual activity the children can look forward to.
The children were shown lots of love and Channel Africa aired a live broadcast from the centre.

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