Midrand pervert warning

MIDRAND – Does your child walk home from school? A man has allegedly been spotted following school children around.


A Midrand high school pupil was allegedly followed by a half-dressed man driving on Old Road in Midrand.

It is alleged that on 20 September, while the girl was walking home from school after separating from friends with whom she walks daily, she noticed a man sitting in a vehicle with just his shirt on and no pants.

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The man allegedly tried to talk the child into getting into his car, but she ran away. He reportedly followed her on Old Road, still trying to lure her into his vehicle but another car turned into the same road and he drove off while the girl ran home.

The pupil’s mother, whose name has been withheld to protect the minor, told Midrand Reporter that she was upset and scared for her daughter when she found out what happened. She said, “I could not believe a man tried to lure my child into his car, thankfully my daughter managed to run away from him. This is scary for every parent whose child walks home from school.”

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The mother revealed that she had tried to open a case at Midrand Police Station but when she was told of the court process where her child would have to give a statement or testify, she decided against opening a case. “I want to warn parents to be alert. This man could target other children in the area.”

Ria Sebetsa Security confirmed the incident. The company’s chief executive officer, Danny Maduray said, “We urge parents who allow children to walk home from school to be alert. We received information that an indecently dressed man was harassing schoolgirls, he would in some cases attempt to grab girls and try to pull them into his car.

“Our security officers caught a suspect who kept driving around aimlessly and handed him over to police.”

Midrand Learner Transport public relations officer, Brian Govender also commented on the matter. He said children who walk home should never walk alone. “Parents must take an interest in trying to establish a group walking in the same direction, even if it is a very short distance from the school.

“I have observed school children from both primary and secondary walking home, some walk great distances and they are not focused. They walk slowly, loitering around, chatting with friends and this is an opportunity for potential human traffickers.”

Midrand Police spokesperson Constable Matome Tlamela said, “A woman came to the station to report the matter but she did not want to open a case against the man, therefore, he was not detained because there was no case opened.”

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