Tips for budding entrepreneurs

JOHANNESBURG – As an entrepreneur, realise that success sometimes demands years and years of hard work and perseverance.


With South Africa’s unemployment rate currently up from 24.5 percent in the previous quarter to 26.7 percent, encouraging a culture of entrepreneurship in order to promote job creation is key.

According to chief executive officer of Ecsponent Development Fund, Andrew Maren, it is critical that budding entrepreneurs understand that the spirit of entrepreneurship is based on hard work and testing your ideas over and over again and never giving up on your dreams.

Read: Young entrepreneur makes it to Forbes Africa list

“While a growing number of business incubators continue to play an invaluable role in growing small businesses through up-skilling and providing funding for entrepreneurs, the reality is that most entrepreneurs would need to knock on many doors, and accept many rejections, before achieving tangible success.”

Maren added that there is a general misconception among entrepreneurs that having a good idea is enough to bring overnight success. However, starting and growing a business not only requires inspiration, but also goes hand in hand with thorough research, input, adaptability and peer-to-peer review, and sometimes a bit of luck.

He pointed out, “A particular challenge for entrepreneurs is realistically demonstrating to a potential investor or financial institution how their product or idea will make money.”

Read: Opportunities for small businesses

Maren’s advice to entrepreneurs:

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